The money provided by the grant can be requisitioned by the recipient by emailing to, sending by mail or faxing a requisition, signed by the recipient, to the secretariat of the Society. The payments are made, during the academic term, once or twice per month. However, no payments are made during term recesses or during the month of January.
The following information is required with the requisition:
• the account to which the money is to be paid. If the money is to be paid to a university, then the name of the university must be given. If the payment is to be made to a bank account, then the name of the bank at which the account is held must be given.
• the name of the endowment from which the grant was received
• the amount granted
• your signature and clarification of the signature
• the requisition can be made using the above form or on a copy of the notification of the grant received.
N.B. The requisition should be sent in separately, and not together with the Report on the Results of the Research Financed by the Grant (the Work Report)