Per-Eric and Ulla Schyberg's Foundation

Application form (application deadline March 17, 2025) »

Once annually

Please first read “Rules Governing the Endowments of the Society”

The primary aim of the Foundation is to support scientific research and teaching, primarily within the fields of Medicine and Biochemistry, and applicants must be associated with the University of Lund. Funds are awarded for ongoing or planned research. Financial support is given to one, or a few, young researchers (with a maximum of 10 years post-PhD) who are in the postdoctoral phase of their careers and who are attempting to establish their own independent research groups. In order to stimulate research diversity, priority is given to applicants that are not part of a large research network. Applicants should apply for research grants in the vicinity of 400,000 kr to 500,000 kr. It is also possible for applicants to receive funding for more than a single year, however it is necessary to reapply each year. Awarded funds cannot be used for salaries or for costs incurred prior to the notification date of a successful award. An application for a research grant must include a clear specification of its intended use. Funds can be awarded for materials, laboratory animals, etc., which can be characterised as running costs, but they must be plainly specified. Applications lacking a clear specification for the requested funds will not be considered.

A research programme (1-2 A4 pages) shall be included with the application, as well as a short curriculum vitae. Please note the information on publications provided under the heading “Advice for Making Applications”. An application for a research grant must include a clear specification of its intended use. Funds can be awarded for materials, laboratory animals, etc., which can be characterised as running costs, but they must be plainly specified. Applications lacking a clear specification for the requested funds will not be considered.

No stipends will be awarded to applicants who have not handed in the Final Report on work financed by grants previously received from the Society. NOTE! The "Two-year rule" applies! Grants received last year and not completed, do not need to be reported if you intend to apply this year.

The application form found at the link given above must be used.